While the nose does much to define one's outward appearance, it is first and foremost a vital part of the human respiratory system. Just like any other part of the body, its function can become impaired, resulting in an array of mild to severe physical difficulties.
Combining Functional & Aesthetic Rhinoplasty in One Surgery
For those patients experiencing breathing difficulties, who are also considering rhinoplasty for cosmetic purposes, Dr. Rahban is perfectly suited as he offers the unique option of having both concerns addressed in one procedure. Often patients believe their only option for the treatment of functional issues is an ear, nose and throat specialist. However, for obvious reasons, most patients are not comfortable letting such a doctor do work to alter the physical appearance of their nose. As a result some patients make the error of having these issues separately treated, visiting an ear, nose and throat specialist for functional nose surgery and enduring a second surgery with their plastic surgeon to fulfill their aesthetic desires. This of course means two recovery periods, twice the risk of surgical complication and increased discomfort and downtime. What these patients don’t realize is that Dr. Rahban, with his extensive experience and training, is highly qualified to address all aspects of the nose. In fact, Dr. Rahban’s unique approach to reconstructing the nose from the inside out makes him the best possible choice for someone in need of both functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty.